Thursday, November 26, 2015

Accounting Requirements for eAM and related Inventory Organization

WIP Accounting Class

Maintenance accounting classes are used to group costs for work orders used in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM). For example, if you are creating work orders for plant maintenance activities, you can define your accounting classes to separately value and report the costs related to asset. Maintenance accounting classes are automatically defaulted when you create eAM work orders.

When you define an accounting class, you must assign valuation and variance accounts to it. When you issue materials to a work order that uses this accounting class, the appropriate valuation accounts are charged. When the work order is closed, final costs and variances are calculated and posted to the variance and valuation accounts. When the accounting period is closed, these journal entries are automatically posted to the general ledger.

The WIP Accounting Class is the Class which is associated with eac Asset Number and then with Work Order. Accounting distributions for all the Work Order Transactions pertaining to that asset are posted as per the WIP Accounting Structure.

Generally the WIP Accounting Classes are Organization Specific i.e. for one Maintenance Organization there will be on WIP Accounting Class.

However based on accounting and finance reporting requirements, any number of WIP Accounting classes can be created and attached to the Asset Numbers and Work Orders.

Here in RGO, the Maintenance expenditure is posted to Asset Owner Department / Organization and sometimes to the Maintenance Organization. It depends. This issue needs special attention.

Valuation and Variance Accounts

WIP accounting class valuation accounts are charged when you issue components, move assemblies, complete assemblies, and charge resources.

Variance accounts associated with Standard Discrete and Non-standard Asset accounting classes are charged when jobs are closed. Variance accounts associated with Expense Non-standard Discrete, and optionally Repetitive accounting classes, are charged when accounting periods are closed.

As noted in the following table, different valuation and variance accounts are required under standard versus average costing:-

Sl No
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Material Overhead
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Outside Processing
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Standard and Average
Standard Cost
Standard Only
Variance Not Applicable
Average Only
Variance Not Applicable
Average Only
Variance Not Applicable

The screen shot of the WIP Accounting is appended below

Resource Accounts

1.      Resource Absorption Account
2.      Variance Account

Sub Ledger Accounting and EAM

Without SLA, all material on a work order will debit the same material expense account.

SLA will enable the customer to define an expense account for each type of category (spares and supplies), so the work order can debit one expense account for spares, and a different expense account for supplies.

Valuation Accounts

Material Account - Normally an asset account this account tracks material costs. Under standard costing, it is debited at standard when you issue material to a job or schedule and credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited at the average cost in effect at the time of the issue transaction and is credited when you complete assemblies from a job.

Material Overhead - Normally an asset account this account tracks material overhead (burden) costs. Under standard costing, it is charged/debited at standard when you issue material with material overhead to a job or schedule and relieved at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited at the average cost in effect at the time of the issue transaction.

Resource - An asset account that account tracks resource costs. Under standard costing, it is charged/debited at standard when resources are charged to a job or schedule and relieved/credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing, this account is debited and credited at the resource rate in effect at the time the resource is charged.

Outside Processing - An asset account that tracks outside processing costs. Under standard costing it is debited at the standard or purchase order cost when you receive items for a job or schedule in Oracle Purchasing. It is credited at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period. Under average costing when you move job or repetitive schedule assemblies through an outside processing operation, it is debited at the resource's predefined rate or at the purchase order cost.

Overhead  - Normally an asset account this account tracks resource or department overhead cost. Under standard costing it is debited at standard when resources are charged to a job or schedule. It is relieved at standard when you complete assemblies from a job or schedule, close a job, or close an accounting period.

Variance Accounts
Material This account tracks variances that occur when the previous level material costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the previous level material costs that are relieved. This calculation gives you a net material usage and configuration variance.

Resource This account tracks variances that occur when the this level resource costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level resource costs that are relieved. If you charge actual labor without creating resource rate variances (resource standard rate is set to No), the resource variance includes any rate, efficiency, and method variances. If you recognize rate variances or charge resources at standard, the resource variance includes resource efficiency, and any method variances.

Outside Processing Tracks the variances that are occur when the this level outside processing costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level outside processing costs that are relieved. If you do not calculate purchase price variance (resource standard rate is set to No), the outside processing variance includes any rate, efficiency, and method variances. If you recognize purchase price variance, this account includes efficiency and any method variances.

Overhead Tracks the variances that are occur when the this level overhead costs charged to the job or schedule do not equal the this level overhead costs relieved from the job or schedule. These variances include both efficiency and method variances.

Standard Cost Applies only to standard discrete and non-standard asset. This account is charged for the sum of all the elemental standard cost adjustments when you perform a standard cost update that impacts an active job. Cost updates are not performed for repetitive schedules or expense non-standard jobs.

Estimated Scrap Applies only to lot based jobs in Oracle Shop Floor Management enabled inventory organizations when Estimated Scrap Accounting is enabled. If this feature is enabled, both Estimated Scrap accounts are required. The scrap account field is required when defining a department on the Departments window. Additionally when you define this account, you can also track operation yield and estimated scrap absorption when creating transactions for lot based jobs.

Sub Inventory – Accounts

Accounts Required for Subinventory

1.      Material Account
2.      Outside Processing
3.      Material Overhead
4.      Overhead
5.      Resources
6.      Expense
7.      Encumbrance

OSP (Outside Service Processing) Transactions – Accounts

1.      AP Accruals
2.      Receiving Accrual

Direct Items – Accounts

1.      AP Accrual
2.      Receiving Inspection

Invoice Variance Transferring – Accounts

1.      Invoice Variance Adjustment Account

Configuration History

1.      Maintenance Offset Account

Work Order Closing and Capitalization - Accounts

1.      Asset Clearing Account / Offset Account / Variance Account
2.      Asset Cost Account

Inventory Organization – Valuation Accounts

An asset account that tracks material cost. For average costing, this account holds your inventory and intransit values. Once you perform transactions, you cannot change this account.
Material Overhead
An asset account that tracks material overhead cost.
An asset account that tracks resource cost.
An asset account that tracks resource and outside processing overheads.
Outside processing
An asset account that tracks outside processing cost.
The expense account used when tracking a non-asset item.
Inventory Organization – Other Accounts

The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default revenue account.
Cost of Goods Sold
The profit and loss (income statement) account that tracks the default cost of goods sold account.
Purchase Price Variance
The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and standard cost. This account is not used with the average cost method.
Inventory A/P Accrual
The liability account that represents all inventory purchase order receipts not matched in Accounts Payable, such as the uninvoiced receipts account.
Invoice Price Variance
The variance account used to record differences between purchase order price and invoice price. This account is used by Accounts Payable to record invoice price variance.
An expense account used to recognize the reservation of funds when a purchase order is approved.
Project Clearance Account
When performing miscellaneous issues to capital projects, the project clearance account is used to post the distributions.
Average Cost Variance
Under average costing with negative quantity balances, this account represents the inventory valuation error caused by issuing your inventory before your receipts.

Inter Organization Transfer Account

1.      Transfer Credit
2.      Purchase Price Variance
3.      Receivable
4.      Payable
5.      Intransit Inventory

Category Accounts

1.      Material: A default general ledger account to accumulate material costs for this category/subinventory combination. This is usually an asset account.

2.      Outside Processing: A default general ledger account to accumulate outside processing costs for this category/subinventory combination. This is usually an asset account.

3.      Material Overhead: A default general ledger account to accumulate material overhead or burden costs for this category/subinventory combination. This is usually an asset account.

4.      Overhead: A default general ledger account to accumulate resource or department overhead costs for this for this category/subinventory combination. This is usually an asset account.

5.      Resource: A default general ledger account to accumulate resource costs for this category/subinventory combination. This is usually an asset account.

6.      Encumbrance: A default general ledger account to hold the value of encumbrances against subinventory items belonging to this category set.

Purchasing – Receiving Options – Accounts

1.      Receiving Inventory Account
2.      Retroactive Price Adjustment Account
3.      Clearing Account

Purchasing – Purchasing Options

1.      Expense AP Accrual Account

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Oracle eAM - Asset Groups

Asset Groups - Oracle eAM

1.      What is Asset Group?

Asset groups represent groups of assets that are virtually identical. Generally, an asset group is defined for each Manufacturer and Model Number combination (Make, Model, and Year).

2.      What is the Maximum length of the Asset Group Code and Description?

Asset Group Code: Generally the length of the Asset Group is the length of the Item Segment defined in the -Inventory System Items KFF. (Per segment Maximum 40).

Asset Group Description:  240 Characters

3.      Some Important Pre-required setups and Profile Options for Asset Groups:-

a.       Asset Group Template and their attribute Controls with default values
b.      INV: Default Primary Unit of Measure
c.       INV: Updateable item name à Yes / No
d.      Default Category Sets (Category Sets)
e.       Enable Service Fulfillment Manager (SFM) Event Manager Queue Service
f.       Defining and Freezing the Oracle Install Base Parameters

4.      What is the Name of the Template used by EAM Asset Groups?

a.       @Asset Group

5.      Asset Group – Naming Conventions and its Components?

a.       Function                      à        Washing Machine
b.      Make                           à        LG
c.       Model                          à        S11-P02
d.      Model Year                 à        2014

6.      eAM Asset Group Template and their default values:

a.       User Item Type                       à        Asset Group
b.      Item Status                              à        Active
c.       Primary Unit of Measure        à        Each
d.      Inventory Item                         Ã         Enabled
e.       Transactable                            à        Disabled
f.       Serial Number Generation      à        Predefined / At Receipt
g.      Effectively Control                 à        Model / Unit Number
h.      EAM Item Type                      à        Asset Group
i.        BOM Allowed                         Ã         Yes
j.        Track in Installed Base           à        Yes
7.      What is the relationship between Asset Group and Inventory Item?

Basically every Asset Group is an Inventory Item. Its item type is Asset Group.

8.      In how many ways an Asset Group can be created?

a.       Asset Groups Form in Oracle eAM
b.      Inventory Master Items (Apply Asset Group Template)
c.       Importing Inventory Items

9.      What is the name of the Table / View Name of the Asset Groups?

a.      View Name - MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_VL

10.  In which COLUMN_NAME the Asset Group / Item Code is stored?

a.       SEGMENT1 or

11.  What is the actual name of the Database Table in which the Asset Group Details are stored?


12.  What is the Name of the Interface Table that is used for Mass upload of Asset Groups?

a.       New Asset Groups      à        MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE
b.      Revision Details          à        MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE
c.       Item Categories           à        MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE

13.  In case of Centralized Maintenance architecture, where all the Assets of INV Organizations are maintained by EAM Organization, how the Asset Groups are created and organizational assignment is done?

a.       Asset Groups created should be first assigned to INV organization followed by EAM Organization.

b.      Also the INV organization should be given EAM Responsibility (for Organizational Access).
14.  Can we change the Asset Group Starting Prefix, once the Assets are created in the eAM Asset Numbers Form?

a.       One cannot change the Asset Group Starting Prefix (subject to Uniqueness) and Starting serial Number from the EAM Asset Group Form Functionality.

b.      Whereas the same can be changed from the Inventory Master Items.

15.  Can we change the Asset Group Starting Number, once the Assets are created in the eAM Asset Numbers Form?

a.       Yes, one change the Starting Prefix (subject to Uniqueness) and Starting Serial Number even after creation of Asset Numbers from EAM.

b.      But one can change the same from Inventory Master Items form but not from EAM Asset Groups Form.

16.  Can we change the Asset Group Code and Description?

    1.    One can change the Asset Group Description, but not the Asset Group Code. The profile options that needs to be setup is INV: Updateable item name.

17.  What are the functions available from Asset Group Form?

a.       View Item Details (Tools à Item Details)
b.      View Failure Analysis and Maintain Failure Codes and sets (Tools à Maintain Failure Set)

18.  Various Functions available for an Asset Group from Master Items Form:-

a.       Categories (Tools à Categories)
b.      Items Costs
c.       Cross References
d.      Item Subinventories
e.       Item Relationships
f.       Revisions
g.      Catalog
h.      Export the Asset Groups to Excel (File à Export)

19.  Can we change the Asset Group associated with an Asset Number?

a.       No we cannot Change the Asset Group Associated with an Asset Number. However one can change the Asset Group Description subject to profile setting up (INV: Updateable item name)
20.  What are the automation features available in eAM that can be automated / associated or attached at the Asset Group Level?

a.       Activity Association Template
b.      Meter Templates
c.       Failure Codes and Sets
d.      Asset Attribute Groups
e.       Collection Plans
f.       PM Schedule Template
g.      Bills of Materials
h.      Budget Forecasting
i.        Activity Suppression Templates

21.  What are the Serial Generation Options available for an eAM Asset Group?

a.       At Receipt
b.      Pre-defined
c.       No Control

22.  How to Export all the Asset Groups to Excel?

a.       Change the Organization
b.      Open the Master Item Window
c.       Open the Search Window
d.      Search for Asset Item Type à Asset Groups
e.       Search Results are Displayed
f.       File à Export (to export the search results to Excel Sheet).

23.  SQL Query used to extract the Asset Groups from Database?

SELECT inventory_item_id, accounting_rule_id, invoicing_rule_id,
            segment1 asset_group, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5
  FROM mtl_system_items
 WHERE eam_item_type = 1

24.  What are the Setups that need to be completed for automatic generation of EAM Asset Number in while creating Asset Number?

a.       At the Asset Group Level setup the following:-

                                                              i.      Serial Generation        à        Predefined OR At Receipt
                                                            ii.      Starting Prefix
                                                          iii.      Starting Serial Number

b.      In the EAM Parameters set the following:-

                                                              i.      CHECK à Asset Serial Number Auto Generation
25.  What are the uses of (a) Starting Prefix Number and (b) Starting Number in the Asset Group Definition Form?

a.       When EAM Asset Numbers are generated automatically, the system will use tie Starting Prefix and Starting Number to automatically generate the Asset Number when defining in the EAM Asset Numbers Form.

26.  In order to Move an Asset, what the Main Attribute that should be CHECKED or made ACTIVE for the Asset Group?

Transactable à Yes (CHECKED)

27.  For all the Asset Groups, which will be considered as Fixed Assets, for which Purchase Requisitions and POs will be created, How the Costing Parameters are setup?

a.       Costing should be disabled when they are receiving into Asset Sub Inventory.

b.      If costing is enabled, then they should be received into an Expense Sub inventory.

28.  What are pre-requisite to create an Asset Group with No Serial Controls?

Asset Groups cannot be created with No Serial Control option.

29.  How to create and use an Asset Group without a Serial Control? What is the Best Scenario?

Ans: No. An Asset Groups Cannot be created with Serial Generation – No Control. Whereas Rebuildables can be created with Serial Generation – No Control Option.

When trying to create An Asset Group with No Serial Control, then the following errors are encountered:-

a.       If an item is under “Model/Unit Number Effectively” control then Serial Number Generation Must be “At Receipt” or “Predefined”.

b.      Asset Group must be Serial Controlled Item with “Predefined” or “At Receipt”.

30.  What is the profile option with which the Asset Group Attribute can be updated?

a.       INV: Updateable item name
31.  Is it necessary to compulsorily use the System Generated Auto Numbers for EAM Asset Numbers?

a.       No, It is not necessary to use the system generated / suggested EAM Asset Number.

b.      The same cane be changed manually to any desired number or a number suggested by the users (subject to Uniqueness of EAM Asset Number and EAM Asset Serial Number).

32.  What is the API for Creation of Items?

a.       Item Creation and Updation
c.       This API provide functionality to create and update an item(s).

33.  What is the API for Item Category Code Creation?

a.       Category Code Creation Public API
c.       This API provide functionality to create a category

34.  What is the API for Item Category Assignment?

a.       Item Category Assignment Public API
c.       This API provide functionality for the user to assign/remove a catalog to/from an item and will verify whether user has edit item privilege on item

35.  What is the API for Item Catalog Descriptive Element?

a.       Item Catalog Descriptive Element Public API
c.       This API provide functionality for the user to give the values of item catalog category descriptive elements and will verify whether user has edit item privilege on item.

36.  What is the API for Item Revision Creation and Updation?

a.       Item Revision Creation and Updation Public API.
c.       This API provide functionality to create and update Item Revision 

37.  What is the API for Implement Item Pending Changes?

a.       Implement Item Pending Changes Public API.
c.       This API provide functionality to implement pending changes (phase and/or status) for an item/item revision.

38.  What is the API for Item Lifecycle?

a.       Item Lifecycle Public API
a.       This API provide functionality for changing the status of an item or promote/demote the lifecycle of an item/item revision

39.  What is the API for The Item Grant?

a.       Item Grant public API
c.       This API provide functionality to create/updation/deletion one role grant on one item

40.  What is the API for Item User-Defined Attributes Data?

a.       Item User-Defined Attributes Data Public API
b.      EGO_ITEM_PUB.Process_User_Attrs_For_Item
c.       This API provide functionality to create/updation/deletion on one or more rows of user-defined attributes data for an item.

41.  What is the API for Item Assignment to an Organization?

a.       Item Assignment to an Organization Public API
c.       This API provide functionality to assign one item to an organization
e.       This API provide functionality to assign one/more items to an organization(s)

42.  What are Logical Asset Groups?

a.       Sometimes for the purpose of maintaining proper Asset Hierarchy, we need to map the assets with the locations, areas or departments which are not physical assets, for which a Non Maintainable, Non Transactable Assets with costing disabled can be created.

b.      To achieve this purpose, it is better to create a separate Item Template with required attributes and default values. 

43.  Asset Groups – Some Important Oracle Support Documents

a.       Asset Group Must Be Unit Effective When Defining Asset Groups (Doc ID 297959.1)

b.      Error = 'Insert procedure failed with the following error message 22' When Creating Asset Group in EAMITMDF (Doc ID 1352238.1)

c.       Asset Groups Created On The Master Item Screen Shows 'X' As The Asset Group In EAM Self Service Pages (Doc ID 859832.1)
d.      EAMITMDF - Error 'Expense Account Is Required' Is Received When Creating EAM  Asset Group (Doc ID 1113173.1)

e.       Asset Group Can Be Seen In The Material Select List For Work Order (Doc ID 1218093.1)

f.       Primary Unit Of Measure Is Invalid Error When Defining Asset Group (Doc ID 813563.1)

g.      How To Transfer A Whole Asset Group Between Org'S With Rebuildables & Components (Doc ID 601389.1)

h.      When trying to create an Asset Group Using the Item Master Form Get Message 'Tracking Install Base Flag must be set for Asset Group or Rebuildable  Serial controlled item' (Doc ID 560461.1)

i.        Assign One Asset Group to Multiple Failure Sets (Doc ID 1567721.1)

j.        How To Change Asset Group For Existing Asset Numbers (Doc ID 1573422.1)

k.      Asset Group Must Be Unit Effective When Defining Asset Groups (Doc ID 297959.1)

l.        Is an Asset Number Possible to be Moved to Another Asset Group (Doc ID

m.    How To Update Asset Group In Asset Number Form After It Is Saved And Used  (Doc ID 1588183.1)

n.      How to Assign an Asset Category To an Asset Group (Doc ID 884811.1)

o.      EAMFANDF:Asset Group Not Defaulting From Asset Number In Asset Route Form  (Doc ID 1350169.1) 

p.      When trying to create an Asset Group Using the Item Master Form Get Message 'Tracking Install Base Flag must be set for Asset Group or Rebuildable Serial controlled item' (Doc ID 560461.1)

q.      Can I Mass Assign Asset Groups (Doc ID 1942653.1)