Monday, June 15, 2015

Express Work Orders in Oracle eAM (Enterprise Asset Management)

1.      Generally we Plan, Forecast, Schedule and Execute the Maintenance works. In that process, we first create work orders, release, approve, issue materials, complete and close them.

2.      But what about unplanned work orders where there is no time to have proper approvals and follow the maintenance procedures. For Example, during non working hours and holidays any maintenance works need to be approved, there will not be any officials in the office.

3.      Take an example of Burning of a Transformer in a busy location during a Public Holiday. Due to importance of area, location of the Transformer (may be VIP Area), replacement of transformer cannot be delayed to next working day to have proper approval and issue of new transformer. In such a case the On Duty maintenance engineer first take out a serviceable and/or new transformer from the stock and other necessary materials and replace the burnt out transformer.

4.      The next working day, he will the report to Maintenance Manager / supervisor about the unplanned / emergency maintenance activities carried out on Public Holiday. However for the system it is necessary to complete the paper action (computerization of Maintenance works).

5.      But in this as the maintenance work is already completed, no formal approval are required (No AME Rules to be applied). Materials are already taken from stores and consumed, no separate issue required.

6.      To meet situations like these, Oracle eAM has been provided with Express Work Orders functionality, where Express Work provides users with a quick way to report work that has been completed without any planning – often referred to as 'after-the-fact' reporting

The important features of Express Work Orders

1.      Work Order can be created with one of the following statuses
a.       Released
b.      Complete
c.       Complete No Charge

2.      All the related Work Order Completion  details can be completed:-

a.       Meter Readings
b.      Collection Plans
c.       Completion Information

3.      Optionally you can complete the Operations / complete the work order

4.      You can charge the resources.

5.      You can mention the materials consumed. No issues are required.
6.      You can even indicate the Rebuildables replaced along with their serial numbers.

7.      Failure information can be entered as per the option (mandatory or optional)

8.      Meter Reading and Quality Data can be entered.

9.      Any mandatory data like Meter Reading, Failure Codes, Quality data is not entered then the Express Work Order is saved in the Released Mode, not with the Complete Status.

10.  Non Stocked Items cannot be selected / selected (need to be checked / tested).

11.  OSP Resources can be attached with an Express work order Operation Resource Requirements and on saving the Express Work Order, Requisition Import and Create Release concurrent Programs will run.

12.  It has been observed that the Requisition Import and Create Release are run for every creation of Express Work Order with OSP Resource irrespective their status (Released or Complete). But no Purchase Requisition is not created. A detailed more testing are required. I am getting some errors like No Preparer ID, DELIVER_TO_REQUEST ETC.

13.  I hope it will work if proper employee and Buyer setups are done. I need to test the same with the proper User ID who is associated with an Employee ID and Buyer Setup.  After that I only I can give clear picture on this.

14.  One can also manually create Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order and attach the same with the Express Work Order. This perfectly works.

15.  Non Stock Direct Items are not visible in the LOV of Materials of Express Work Order

16.  Description Based Items are also not available in the Express Work Orders.

17.  However one can add Non Stock Direct Item and Description Based Item through Request Item feature .On Saving Requisition Import and Create Releases are PERFECTLY happening (working).

18.  Costing: Both the Estimated and Actual Costs are calculated for Express Work Orders

19.  AME Rules are not applicable and No Approvals are required.

20.  There is no any technical difference or any database level attribute, with which one can differentiate between normal work orders and work orders created through Express Work Order Feature. 

Express Work Order Problems-Oracle Support Documents

1.      When Expanding Quality Plans in Express Work Order Page, Error Is Thrown (Doc ID 1604939.1)

2.      Express Work Error: oracle.apps.fnd.framework. OAException: oracle.jbo. SQLStmtException: JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation. (Doc ID 1302353.1)

3. Changing the Failure Code on A Work Order Results In: 'oracle.apps.eam.workorder.webui.WOFailureEntryRNCO.processFormReques...' (Doc ID 1956960.1)

4.      When Attempting to link Work Request To Express Work Order, Error "Class CastException: oracle.apps.eam.workorder.server.ExpressWorkOrderAMImpl ....." Occurs (Doc ID 1918614.1)

5.      Express Work Order Page Cannot Be Open Due to java.lang.ClassCastException error (Doc ID 1590342.1)

6.      Issue When Creating Express Work Order While Work Order Approval Workflow is Enabled (Doc ID 1608628.1)

7.      Missing Work Order Completion Information In Debrief / Express WO Page (Doc ID 1490153.1)

8.      Operation Completion DFF Not Displayed In Express Work Order Page (Doc ID 1558200.1)

9.      Descriptive Flexfield Does Not Display In Express Work Order OAF Page (Doc ID 1340094.1)

10.  Entering Quality Results in Express Work Order Is Not Triggering the Display a Message Action from the Plan (Doc ID 1404285.1)

11.  Failure Reporting On Express Work Order Sets To "No" Automatically In Complete Status (Doc ID 1595440.1)

12.  Problem About Dates For Express Work Order (Doc ID 1583228.1)

13.  Work Order Completion Descriptive Flexfield on Express Work Orders page (Doc ID 1598745.1)

14.  Reconciliation Code Not Populated For The Express Work Order (Doc ID 1932747.1)

15.  Eam Express Work Orders - Start Date Time And End Date Time The screen jumps and does not recalculate the other values. (Doc ID 1372667.1)

1 comment:

  1. Superb explanation & it's too clear to understand the concept as well, keep sharing admin with some updated information with right examples.Keep update more posts.
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